Monday, February 2, 2009

First Fill

So I wrote a humongous post about my experience getting my first adjustment and it disappeared somehow. So a few days later I am trying it again.

On Saturday, Beth Ann and I went downtown for my 9:15 appointment to get my lap band adjusted. The adjustment is actually saline injections into the band to make it more/less restrictive. When I walked into the lobby, it was packed. Beth Ann and I took the only two seats together and waited my turn. We waited and waited and waited. It turns out my doctor's office has a very lenient appointment policy. You can never arrive late for an appointment, but you can be as early as you want. So it was basically first come, first served. I was the only one who arrived on time, so of course I went last. After being called into a small exam room to have my weight and blood pressure taken, we went to a second waiting room, where everyone had reassembled for round 2. On a side now, I have gained 13 pounds back which is not unexpected or surprising. I lost most of the 30 pounds from being on my pre-op and post-op liquid diet. Eating with no restriction since then made me gain some back. But it's okay.

After waiting in the 2nd room, we were called in one by one into the xray room to have our fills done. I lied on a table, and the doctor used an xray machine to find out exactly where my port is to make sure it doesn't get damaged. Then I had to drink some barium so they could make sure it was going through okay. My band holds 10cc of saline; you get 4cc on the first fill. The doctor told me I probably would not feel any different until I had about 5-6cc in, and that that was okay.

I go back on February 25 for my next fill. The doctor also gave me the all clear for exercise, so I am getting started on that too. After a fill they put you on a 3 day progressive diet (liquids, purees, soft). So tomorrow I will be able to eat normally. Today I did feel the restriction a little bit eating chili and chicken salad (not together), and I am excited to really get the weight loss started.


becky said...

I am so proud of you. Keep sharing your journey. You had me at hello.

"B" said...

Matt, the Lap Band Journey is very interesting--indeed.